• Rinse off the filter with low-pressure water. Tap water is acceptable. Always flush
from the clean side to the dirt side. This removes the dirt and does not drive it into
the filter.
• Always dry naturally. After rinsing, shake off all excess water and let the element air
Note: DO NOT use compressed air, open flame or heat dryers. Excess heat will shrink
the cotton filter media. Compressed air will blow holes in the element.
• After cleaning the air filter always re-oil before using. Spray ILMOR air filter oil down
into each pleat with one pass per pleat. Wait ten (10) minutes and re-oil any white
spots still showing. Or use the oil from a squeeze bottle, down into the bottom and
along each pleat with just one pass in each pleat. Let the oil wick into the cotton for
twenty (20) minutes. Re-oil any white spots still showing. However, also do not over-
oil or soak the filter.
Note: Never use the air filter without oil. The filter will not stop the dirt without the
oil. Red dye is added to ILMOR air filter oil to assist in determining whether you
have complete coverage after application. Never use automatic transmission fluid,
WD-40, LPS, other lightweight oils or anything not specified for this purpose.
• Re-install. Ensure the element seats properly before tightening the clamp screw.
Because this process should be completed while the engine is cool (in order to avoid burns), it is
recommended that this check be completed prior to starting the engine. If checking during an outing,
allow the engine to cool. Be very careful to avoid burns from contact with hot engine parts.
• Ensure the engine is OFF and the engine safety starting switch is disconnected.
Leave the throttle/shift control lever in neutral. Open the engine compart-
ment and locate the raw water impeller housing. (This is also sometimes re-
ferred to as a sea pump.)
• Disconnect the intake and outflow hoses on the raw water impeller housing.
Remove any debris found inside the hoses and then reconnect.
• Remove the serpentine belt.
• Remove the screws on the impeller cover and very carefully break the gasket
seal. Because a good seal is very important to avoid potentially serious leaks
while the engine is in operation, it is advisable to have some new gaskets in the
boat’s glovebox for such occasions. If even a slight gap exists, you may experi-
ence problems in the future. Therefore, replacing the gasket is a better idea
than taking any chances with an older one. Also, leaving any portion of the
older gasket on the house or cover can impede good contact.
Replacing the
Raw Water Impeller/
Sea Pump Impeller
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 32