The fi rst bounce
Take some time for the fi rst bounces and attempts at fl ying in order to develop a feeling for controlling the copter.
Anybody can learn to fl y a model helicopter.
One preparation that can still be made at home is the assembly of the optional training undercarriage # 67960,
which can be attached to the copter skid frame using cable ties. The footprint size of the undercarriage increases
that way, preventing the helicopter from tipping over easily.
Turn on the transmitter fi rst, and then plug in the charged battery. Next put down the ECO 7 with its front (nose)
facing the wind and away from you. Then accelerate slowly until the copter starts “fl oating” on the fl oor, that is, until
it gets lighter. Make it a habit of always looking at the copter‘s nose, never the tail. Hence, if the nose wants to turn
right move the tail rotor stick left and vice versa.
Later on, you should turn your attention to the forward pitch and roll control. Perhaps, while you were approaching
the “lift-off limit,” you have been able to observe clearly defi ned directions the copter veers towards. For example, if
the main rotor plane always leans to the back and the right, perhaps pulling the copter away on the grass, then trim
the forward pitch servo towards the front and the roll servo to the left. Here, too, it is essential never to simply make
the copter take off vertically. The correct trimming position can only be achieved if a clear inclination to its swerving
is recognizable. If this is not the case, you may start navigating. For safety reasons, the copter should be trimmed in
a way that its preferred inclination is forward and that it never fl ies backwards in your direction.
Hover fl ight practice
Here, you should always have the copter approach the lift-off threshold fi rst until it breaks free from the ground by a
few centimeters. Do not attempt to do anything other than slow down the fi rst movement you detect by correcting it.
If this does not work right away, slowly decrease the pitch again and touch down the ECO 7. Carry the copter back
to its starting position.
Once you are able to keep the copter steady hovering over one spot, start directing the model consciously, fi rst
along an imaginary line 5 yards to the left, hovering there for a short while, then back to the starting point. Repeat
the same exercise to the right. Practice this to the front and to the back as well using the forward pitch control.
Before attempting a round fl ight, you should be able to master hovering.
The Aerofl y Professional fl ight simulator by IKARUS is a real help for beginners and advanced fl yers practicing
round fl ights and acrobatic fl ying fi gures.