Gyro drift correction
Model on the ground. Motors off.
Tail stick all the way to the left. After approx. one second; “CONFIRM.”
Gyro is newly adjusted, veering off by the tail is minimized.
Gyro is newly adjusted, veering off by the tail is minimized.
Erase model trimming
This operation is useful if changes in the mechanical system or the servos are about to be performed.
The model trim settings are set to zero.
Model on the ground. Motors off, Mode set to Off.
Tail stick all the way to the left for approx. 10 seconds.
After one second; “CONFIRM” (gyro correction), keep holding tail stick all the way to the left.
After six seconds; “CONFIRM” for model trimming.
After four more seconds; “CONFIRM” for trim deletion.
Swash plate moves back by trim difference.
Model trim settings in are erased.
Model trim settings in are erased.
Model trimming
This operation is useful if changes in the mechanical system or the servos have been performed and the model is
meant to be retrimmed.
Have model take off and trim to hover fl ight. Land model.
Model on the ground.
Motors off
, switch Mode to
Tail sticks all the way to the left for approx. 6 seconds.
After one second; “CONFIRM” for gyro correction, keep holding tail stick all the way to the left.
After six seconds; “CONFIRM” for trim saving.
Swash plate moves by the trimming difference.
Set trimmers forward pitch and roll to center.
Model trim settings are now saved
Model trim settings are now saved
Take-off preparation
(Optional) switch Flight phase to Hover, Mode to Off.
Set pitch to center.
Turn on transmitter.
Plug in receiver battery.
Put down helicopter.
Set pitch to minimum; system initialization commences.
System is operational; LED fl ashes green.
System is operational; LED fl ashes green.
Check operation and effective direction pitch and swash plate.
(Optional) switch Mode to Heading Lock, LED glows green.
System is ready to go.
System is ready to go.
New channel assignment
New channel assignment
Preparation of the transmitter:
Turn off all servo reversals.
Turn off all mixers.
Set all trimmers to center.
(Optional) switch Flight phase to Hover.
(Optional) three-position switch to setting Motors Off.
(Optional) additional switches / channels to setting Off.
Turn off transmitter.
TS1 Servo
TS2 Servo
TS3 Servo
Tail Servo
Extra 1 Servo
Extra 2 Servo
Hall Sensor
Tail PWM
Main PWM/Servo