“Channel 2” makes only input 2 channel to reach the direct monitoring path on both L and R sides.
These are useful when only one input is normally used and you don’t want even the slightest amount of noise
coming from the other channel to be mixed into the monitoring path.
When activated, this button routes the Instrument Input 1 to directly to the Amp Out with zero latency so
guitarists can easily record both a clean DI signal and their amplifier simultaneously, without the need for splitters
or other external gear.
Audio Input section:
Here you can see the input channels active source (Instruments, Mic or Line) and monitor the level on high
precision peak meters.
You can also switch phantom power on and off. Remember that phantom power will only be applied to the XLR
Audio Output section:
Here you can see the output channels levels on precision peak meters, you can adjust the output levels of all
outputs with the large sliders, or you can quickly mute each output individually.
Amp Output GND LIFT:
The Amp Output is a specially designed floating output made to drive amplifiers and sensitive vintage stomps
without the typically associated ground loop noises, hum and buzzes. Depending on what else is connected to
the AXE I/O SOLO and what grounding scheme is implemented in the setup the amp connection can be cleaner
with GND LIFT active or not active.
The default position is GND LIFT, with lift active, in case you hear some buzz or noise when connecting an high
gain guitar amp, try switching off the GND LIFT.