2.1 Safety-related requirements regarding the application
It must be ensured that the safety requirements of the respective application
correspond to the requirements stated in these instructions.
Observe the following requirements:
► Adhere to the specified operating conditions (→ 12 Technical data). Use of the
photoelectric safety sensors in the vicinity of chemically and biologically active
media as well as ionising radiation is not permitted.
For applications in the food industry contact your ifm branch office to check
the compatibility of the materials of the photoelectric safety sensors with the
chemicals used.
Adhere to the principle of normally closed operation for all external safety
circuits connected to the system.
If the photoelectric safety sensors go into the state defined as safe due to an
internal fault, measures have to be taken to maintain the safe state when the
installation resumes operation.
Replace damaged units.
The protective function of the photoelectric safety sensors is only ensured with the
following conditions:
• The machine control can be electrically controlled and the hazardous machine
motion can be stopped immediately at any time of the operation cycle.
• There is no danger for machine operators due to ejection of materials or
machine parts.
• The hazardous area is only accessible via the protected area.