Installer Setup
Hot Water Valve Type
(setup step 23)
• NORMAL CLOSED = Default setting, hot
water valve does not allow water flow
when unpowered
• NORMAL OPEN = Hot water valve
allows water flow when unpowered
Chilled Water Valve Type
(setup step 24)
• NORMAL CLOSED = Default setting,
chilled water valve does not allow water
flow when unpowered.
• NORMAL OPEN = Chilled water valve
allows waterflow when unpowered.
These steps configure the type of water valve(s) connected to the thermostat.
A normally closed valve allows no water flow when no power is applied to it. A
normally open valve allows water flow when no power is applied to it. Some 4 pipe
fancoils use a normally closed chilled water valve with a normally open hot water
valve. If you have a two pipe fancoil, the setting in Setup Step 24 for CHILLED
WATER VALVE will apply to the single valve in use.