Wi-Fi Setup
The IEC Configurator App is needed to configure the Wi-Fi Settings of
this thermostat.
• Download the IEC Configurator App
from your mobile device’s App Store.
• Open the IEC Configurator App
- Choose the thermostat by sliding the thermostat pictures at
the top of the apps’ display to the left until you see a picture
of the thermostat.
- Press and hold the FAN button of the thermostat for approximately
5 seconds to enter Wi-Fi setup screens.
- Press the DOWN button to setup Wi-Fi.
- Follow the instructions that appear on the IEC Configurator App.
Connect to Skyport
The steps below illustrate account creation from a browser. To create a
Skyport account, a thermostat must be joined to the account.
If the thermostat is connected to the local Wi-Fi Access Point, but you
do not have a Skyport account, you may create an account and join the
thermostat to the account by doing the following:
1. Open your browser to: http://IEC.skyportcloud.com
2. Select “Create account now”
3. Follow on screen instructions to create an account and add a
thermostat to the Skyport account.
Create Account Now
Connect to Wi-Fi