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Manual for Mercury Free Thermometer CR.W00

The Mercury Free Thermometer is a medical glass thermometer to measure body temperature. The thermometric liquid 
does not contain mercury, but a mix of alternative metal liquids Galium, Indium, tin and zinc. These materials are completely 
non-toxic, minimizing the risks for humans as well as for the environment.
This thermometer is designed and constructed in accordance with European Directive (Residence Directive) Council of the 
European Union 93/42/EEC: 1993 about medical devices as well as the European Standards EN 12470-1:2000 and 
A1:2009(Part 1 Metallic glass thermometers with a maximum fluid measurement).

Instructions for use

Clean and sanitize the thermometer thoroughly before and after use (see cleaning instructions) Before the measurement 
check and make sure that the column of the thermometer liquid is slightly below the first calibrated display (35°C


additional”drop” of the column of fluid in the thermometer optimize the response time of the thermometer. To achieve the 
“fall” of liquid column thermometer we should firmly hold the thermometer and repeat multiple jerks of the wrist.
Choose how you want the temperature measurement (oral use, rectal use or underarm (axillary) use in accordance with the 
instructions and for at least four (5) minutes to avoid error. The range of measurements varies from 35º Celsius to 42º 
Celsius. The human body temperature is defined by the column of fluid in calibrated thermometer scale which is printed on 
the thermometer. The visible appearance of the column is achieved with a slight inclination of the thermometer in the
corner and while holding it parallel to the ground.


Do not use the oral thermometer for children under 10 years. Prefer to use the underarm or rectal use in the case of infants.
The oral use of the thermometer requires that during the measurement, patients should not chew, should not speak and 
should not move.
This thermometer is not designed for specific temperature measurements (e.g. temperature measurement premature 
infants, ovulation temperature measurement, etc.) 
In case breakage of the thermometer and the release of the thermometer liquid, use cloth towel or other suitable absorbent 
item in combination with water or soap to clean the area. The splinters of the thermometer and the collected thermometer 
liquid can be disposed as normal household waste without any problem because they it is not toxic.
The thermometer liquid (a mixture of liquid metals) is recommended to avoid contact with other precious or noble or base 


Do not bite, bend over, and extremely press the thermometer causing a possible crash. 
Avoid potential downfall, the violent deposition and storage in an unsafe place.
Keep the thermometer away from children. The temperature measurement of babies and children should be under adult 
Do not use the thermometer if you notice any defects or crack.

Temperature Measurement Methods
Oral Use

Place the tip of the thermometer below the tongue of the patient right of left. Confirm that the patient keeps his mouth closed 
for about 5 minutes.

Rectal Use

Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with lubricant (baby oil, Vaseline, etc.) for easier insert. Gently insert the tip of the 
thermometer about 1-2cm in the anus of the patient for about 5 minutes. If you fell any resistance stop the insertion.

Axillary Use

Wipe the underarm with a dry towel. Place the tip of the thermometer into underarm of the patient and hold his arm pressed 
firmly to the patient’s body for about 5 minutes.

Cleaning and Disinfection

Clean the thermometer by wiping it with a dry cloth and disinfect the tip with ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or a special disinfectant 
solution. Alternatively it can be washed with soap and cold water. The glass casing of Mercury Free Thermometer allows 
unlimited and continuous disinfection and cleaning of the thermometer.


Do not boil, and generally do not use hot water to clean - sanitize the thermometer.


The Mercury Free Thermometer has an unlimited warranty and accurate measurement from the purchase date under normal
use and in accordance with product instructions. The warranty does not cover damage caused by breaking the glass casing 
of the thermometer and as a result of improper operation, use and storage.



Resources Mixture of Liquid Metals: gallium, indium, tin 

Length Measurement 

At least 5min

Measuring Range 

From 35.5º C to 42.0º C

Accuracy Measurement  

± 0.1º C

Graduation Indications At 

0.1º C

Temperature Operating

From -15º C to 42º C

Storage Temperature

From -15º C  to 42º C     


Producer: Wuxi Medical Instrument Factory, China
