Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 9: Appendix: SCPI Command Reference
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Appendix: SCPI Command Reference
Time Controller commands are written in the standard SCPI syntax used throughout scientific
instrumentation. This syntax follows these rules:
It is non-case sensitive, e.g. INPUT1:ENABLE, input1:enable, INPUt1:ENABle are all OK.
It is structured according to a command tree, with each level separated by a colon, e.g.
INPUT1:ENABLE and INPUT1:EDGE refer to the same input.
It has an optional shorthand notation (the part which is in capitals in the manual), e.g.
INPU1:ENAB is the same as INPUt1:ENABLe.
It can be queried by appending a question mark: INPUt1:ENABle? will return ON or OFF,
depending on the input status.
The commands have a default value that is underlined in this manual, e.g. INPUt1:ENABle and
INPUt1:ENABle ON are equivalent.
The commands sometimes have a numeric suffix to refer to different channels or blocks, e.g.
INPUt1, INPUt2 etc. This is indicated by the hash # symbol in the documentation, i.e. INPUt#
where # typically takes values 1
The commands may take an input with unit appended, e.g. INPUt1:THREshold 1 is equivalent
to INPUt1:THREshold 1000mV or INPUt1:THREshold 1V.
The time base unit (TB) is 1ps. You can use for instance GTB for giga-time-base unit for
convenience, e.g.: RECord:DURation 3000 GTB sets the acquisition time to 3 seconds.
The availability of each SCPI command depends on the license you have selected for your
Time Controller (see Section 3.1.6