Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 6: Operating the Time Controller Software
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Automating use of the Time Controller
In this section, we explore the expanded use of the Time Controller in some common laboratory
automation environments.
Avoid alternating between use of the Time Controller software and any programmatic
use of the (including the SCPI console).
The Time Controller software only registers a change in a device parameter when the
command is issued via the Time Controller GUI. Therefore, changes made outside of the
GUI will not be reflected in the GUI, and configuration conflicts may occur.
In cases of significant clashes, the physical Time Controller unit may need to be
manually restarted.
SCPI commands
Commands are issued to the Time Controller in the form of text strings adhering to the Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI). Refer to Section 9
” for the full set of SCPI commands needed to operate the
Time Controller.
SCPI commands are not case sensitive, but they are often shown with a mixture of upper-case and
lower-case characters. Commands can be abbreviated by only sending the upper-case characters.
For example, the command asking for the counts measured on input channel 1
is the same as
Multiple SCPI commands, separated by a semi-colon character, can be sent as a single string. A colon
character at the start of the command means the command is interpreted with respect to the root
of the commands tree, while no colon means the command refers to the last node in the preceding
For example, this command reads the counts measured on input channel 1, and then reads
whether that channel is activated:
which is the same as
LabView VIs
For examples of virtual instruments that can operate the Time Controller from within LabView, refer
to the example ‘.vi’ files that can be found on the USB memory stick supplied with the Time
Controller device.