The choice: EPP1.7, EPP1.9
Onboard Legacy Audio
This field controls the onboard legacy audio.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Sound Blaster
Sound Blaster support.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled
SB I/O Base Address
This item allows you to determine Sound Blaster I/O address setting.
The choice: 220H, 240H, 260H, 280H
SB IRQ Select
This item allows you to determine Sound Blaster IRQ setting.
The choice: IRQ 5, IRQ 7, IRQ 9, IRQ 10
SB DMA Select
This item allows you to determine Sound Blaster DMA setting.
The choice: DMA 0, DMA 1, DMA 2, DMA 3
4.9 Power Management Setup
The Power Management Setup allows you to configure you system to
most effectively save energy while operating in a manner consistent
with your own style of computer use.
CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright © 1984 – 2000 Award Software
Power Management Setup
ACPI function [Disabled]
Power Management [Press Enter]
PM Control by APM [Yes]
Video Off Option [Suspend -> Off]
Video Off Method [V/H SYNC+Blank]
Soft-Off by PWRBTN [ Instant-Off]
State After Power Failure [Auto]
Wake Up Events [Press Enter]
Item Help
Menu Level
Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: Value F10:Save ESC: Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-safe defaults F7:Optimized Defaults
The Power Management Setup allows you to configure you system to most
effectively save energy while operating in a manner consistent with your own
style of computer use.
ACPI Function
This item allows you to enable/disable the Advanced Configuration
and Power Management (ACPI).
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Power Management
This category allows you to select the type (or degree) of power
saving and is directly related to the following modes:
HDD Power Down :
When enabled and after the set time of system
inactivity, the hard disk drive will be powered down while all other
devices remain active.
Doze Mode:
When enabled and after the set time of system inactivity,
the CPU clock will run at slower speed while all other devices still
operate at full speed.