PISO-CANFD series CAN FD card User Manual (version 1.0.0)
Page: 21
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“Acceptance Mask” :
Specifies the
“Acceptance Mask”
that is used to determine which
bit from the CAN ID will be checked by the CAN controller based on
the value specified for the
“Acceptance ID”
parameter. If the bit of
“Acceptance Mask”
parameter is set to 1, it means that the bit
in the CAN ID in the same position needs to be checked, and the ID
bit value needs to match the value specified for the bit of the
“Acceptance ID”
parameter in the same position.
ID Format
Acceptance Mask (hexadecimal) Range
Standard ID
000 to 7FF
Extended ID
00000000 to 1FFFFFFF
Note that “
Acceptance ID
” and “
Acceptance Mask
” arguments should verify:
Acceptance ID
” & “
Acceptance Mask”
== “
Acceptance ID
And the “
Acceptance ID
” and “
Acceptance Mask
” arguments defines a filter
that accepts frame whose identifier verifies:
identifier &
“Acceptance Mask”
“Acceptance ID”