Installation manual
9.4 Corners
The membranes must be laid so as to have as little covering layers
lying on top of each other as possible at the parapet corners.
Membranes laid parallel to the parapet are butt together at the
corner areas or laid around corners. The lap width at the butt joint
should be approx. 10 cm.
If corners are formed with Monarplan® preformed details, they
are to be welded with hand-held hot-air gun with a recommended
nozzle width of 20 mm.
9.4.1 Internal Corners
• Cut the trim strip Monarplan® at right angles and cut off the
overlap to the corner.
• Weld the seams.
• Weld in the internal corners
• Upper trim of the parapet completed with cut-to-size
Monarplan® and 90° external corner.
• Check all seams and chamfer T-joints (bue circles on sketch)