Installation manual
8.1 Introduction
The load bearing structure must comply with all associated
national standards and regulations, ensuring that the load bearing
capacity is sufficient for any additional loads imposed upon the
construction. It is important to consider the possibility of future
deflection of the construction when designing roof drainage.
Substrates must be strong enough to permit the penetration
of fixings whilst maintaining suitable pull out strength. It is
recommended that pull out tests are conducted prior to the
application of the Monarplan® system (see below).
8.2 Acceptable Substrates
The Monarplan® Roofing System can be installed on new
construction or over existing roofs, when the existing roofing
assembly is dry or the wet areas have been removed and replaced;
or when the existing roof is completely removed to the deck. The
roofing contractor has the final responsibility of acceptance of the
surface to receive the roofing system.
The following structural substrates are acceptable for the
Monarplan® Roofing System:
8.2.1 Profiled metal
Minimum 0.7 mm galvanised steel according to EN 10147. The
profiled deck must be overboarded to support the Monarplan®
In mechanically fixed roof build-ups, it is crucial ensure that the
rows of fasteners are installed in a perpendicular direction to the
metal deck’s corrugations in order to avoid a concentration of
uplift forces on any one single element.
Aluminium decks shall be a minimum 0.9 mm acc. to EN 485-
2 AA3004 H34. Reference should also be made to EN 1396 as
appropriate. For mechanically fastened systems, refer to Icopal’s
Technical Department for confirmation of suitability of fastener.
8.2.2 Plywood or Oriented Strand Board
New 22 mm exterior grade plywood (to EN 636-2003: Clause 8) or
OSB/3 (to EN 300:1997) fixed according to the national regulations
ensuring it is of adequate rigidity for the joist spans involved and
fixed with corrosion resistant ring shanked nails or screws at 150
mm centers to the perimeter of the panels and 300 mm along
the intermediate supports. Fixings should be well driven to avoid
damage to the membrane.
8.2.3 Timber Boarding
New timber boarded roof deck is advised. Boarding should not be
less than 22 mm nominal thickness, planed and clamped together
with tongued and grooved joints or closely butted and secured by
ring shanked nails or screws at a rate of 2 per board width at both
ends and at every intermediate support. Fixings should be well
driven to avoid damage to the membrane.
In mechanically fixed roof build-ups, it is crucial ensure that the
rows of fasteners are installed in a perpendicular direction to the
individual timber planks in order to avoid a concentration of uplift
forces on any one single element.
8 General Information
on Substrates