Installation manual
8.2.4 Structural Concrete
The reinforced concrete roof slab surface should be finished to
provide an even surface free from ridges and hollows. New in-situ
cast concrete should be given adequate time to dry out, prior to
installing the waterproofing system.
8.3 Fastener Withdrawal Resistance Criteria
Fastener withdrawal resistance tests are recommended on
certain refurbishment projects to determine the suitability of the
roof deck. The withdrawal resistance test may be conducted by
an independent laboratory or the fastener manufacturer or their
designated representative. The results of the pullout tests must
be designated on a roof plan to indicate the areas at which the
tests were conducted and forwarded to Icopal for review.
On refurbishment projects, a core cutter should be used to remove
existing roofing material prior to conducting the withdrawal
resistance test (even if the existing roofing membrane is specified
to remain). Existing roofing materials will contribute to a higher,
misleading pullout value.
The withdrawal resistance tests should be carried out in various
locations of the roof deck, such as:
• at roof corners;
• at perimeter areas (minimum of 3 each).
• in field of the roof (with at least 2 tests conducted at the low
areas of the roof deck