Scan Revert channel
The Scan Revert channel is automatically selected
when you push [PTT] to make a call during a scan.
The Scan Revert channel can be set to the transceiver
using the optional cloning software.
• Last Selected:
The transceiver makes a call on the last channel
or GID that you received a call on.
However, if you push [PTT] while the scan is
paused, the transceiver makes a call on the chan-
nel or to the GID that the scan is paused on.
When you change the channel or GID before
starting a scan, the transceiver makes a call on
the selected channel or to the GID until the trans-
ceiver receives another call.
• Selected:
The transceiver makes a call on the channel or to
the GID selected before a scan.
• Se Talkback:
The transceiver makes a call on the channel or to
the GID selected before a scan.
However, if you push [PTT] when the scan is
paused, the transceiver makes a call on the chan-
nel or to the GID that the scan is paused on.
• Priority 1:
The transceiver makes a call on the Priority 1
• Priority 1 + Talkback:
The transceiver makes a call on the Priority 1
However, if you push [PTT] when the scan is
paused, the transceiver makes a call on the chan-
nel or to the GID that the scan is paused on.
• Priority 2:
The transceiver makes a call on the Priority 2
• Priority 2 + Talkback:
The transceiver makes a call on the Priority 2
However, if you push [PTT] when the scan is
paused, the transceiver makes a call on the chan-
nel or to the GID that the scan is paused on.