The -ssmclientpkg option creates a tar file and places it in the specified directory (e.g.
/tmp/ssmclientpkg.tar) which will contain the following files:
hpss.jar – Java executables for running the SSM GUI
hpssgui.pl – Perl version of the SSM GUI start up script
hpssgui.vbs – Visual Basic version of the SSM GUI start up script
krb5.conf – Kerberos environment variable file
login.conf – SSM user login configuration file for HPSS users on AIX platform
ssm.conf – Contains environment variables required for the user to contact SSM using Unix
These files will need to be installed on each SSM client. See Section
Manual SSM Client
Packaging and Installation
of the Management Guide for more information. The program also
creates SSM user ACLs for the SSM server in the new AUTHZACL table granting permissions to
each SSM user based on their level (admin or operator). Create Location Server Endpoints
The endpoint utility, hpss_bld_ep, creates endpoints and places the information in the file
/var/hpss/etc/ep.conf for the Location Server to use in HPSS 6.2. The utility is located in
$HPSS_ROOT/config. Perform this step on the root subsystem only.
To invoke the utility:
% /opt/hpss/config/hpss_bld_ep -v -f /var/hpss/etc/ep.conf -r <
LDAP Realm Name
> -c <
schema name>
-d <
DB2 configuration database>
For example,
% /opt/hpss/config/hpss_bld_ep -v -f /var/hpss/etc/ep.conf -r
hpss.acme.com -c hpss -d cfg add Perform Additional Remote Mover Configuration
Perform the required additional configuration on each remote mover node. See the HPSS
Management Guide, Section
Additional Mover Configuration
6.3.20. Bring up the HPSS 6.2 Servers
At this point, verify that all conversions steps were performed successfully on each subsystem
before bringing up the 6.2 servers.
The next step is to bring up the HPSS Servers. Before all the servers can be started, some
configuration settings need to be review and/or modified and the accounting metadata should be
HPSS Installation Guide
July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0)
Содержание High Performance Storage System HPSS
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