Chapter 1. Introducing the Adapters
This manual contains the information you need to install and use the
following products:
IBM 10/100 EtherJet PCI Adapter
IBM 10/100 EtherJet PCI Adapter with Wake on LAN
This chapter describes the adapters, the contents of the adapter kits,
and other materials you need to install these adapters. Topics
“Adapter Overview”
“Using the Wake on LAN Feature” on page 1-3
“About the Adapter Fault Tolerance Feature” on page 1-3
“About DHCP/RPL Support with the Adapters” on page 1-4
“Prerequisite Operating System PCI Updates” on page 1-4
“Kit Contents” on page 1-5
“Adapter Installation Checklist” on page 1-5
“Help Information” on page 1-6
* DHCP support means Pre-Execute Environment (PXE) remote boot
with Intel's LANDesk Service Agent (LSA) code in Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
It is important that you are familiar with the PC in which either of the
adapters will be installed and with the PC’s operating system and
network software.
These adapters use the same drivers and software utility. Therefore,
most of the information in this manual applies to both adapters
interchangeably. Where the information differs, it is noted.
Adapter Overview
The IBM 10/100 EtherJet PCI Adapters pave the way to higher
bandwidth operation and improved network performance, without
disrupting your existing infrastructure. It is easy to use these Plug
and Play, 32-bit Busmaster adapters. Designed for flexibility, they
run at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps in full- or half-duplex mode to support a
Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 1998
Title: ASB3CNTL CreationDate: 07/16/98 18:07:52