Copyrighted by Integrated Biometrics Inc., 2008
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1.0 Bio-I BACS Enroll & Management Software
1.1 Logging In.
1.1.1 Start the Enroll & Management software by double clicking on the “Bio-I BACS” Icon found on
your desktop. You may also log on to the software through “Start\All Programs\Integrated Biometrics
1.1.2 This will bring up the “Enroll & Management – [Login for Administrator]” window shown below.
1.1.3 The first time someone logs in, you will need to log in as the default user “Admin”, using default
settings, since no one is enrolled yet. Click on the box “ID + Password.” The default “ID” is “1111” and
the default “Password” is “1111.” Enter these in the appropriate boxes and Click “Login.”
1.1.4 The “[Identified]” window should appear and read “User: Admin, Type: Administrator.” Click
“OK.” You should now be logged into the “Bio-I BACS” program and the “Enroll & Management – [Log
Monitor]” window should appear. You have successfully logged in.
1.1.5 After you have enrolled as an “Administrator” User, and have enrolled your fingerprint, you can log
in from this screen simply by clicking the “Login” button, and placing your finger on the sensor.
Enter 1111 for ID
and 1111 for
password then click
Check this
box when
logging in for
the first time,
or anytime
you choose to
log in via ID
& Password
After you have enrolled
your fingerprint, you can
log in simply by clicking
the Login button and
placing your finger on the