Copyrighted by Integrated Biometrics Inc., 2008
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1.11.4 In the top right section, “Access Time Allocation to Groups,” it shows “Sales Group” with the
attached “Sales Access Times.” It also shows “Sales Group” with the attached “2
Shift Access Times.”
The group in this example “Sales Group” must be dragged from the left, “List of Groups”, and dropped on
the right, “Access Time Allocation to Groups” for it to appear more than once. As discussed above this
allows the same group to be assigned different Access Times to different TRU’s (doors/areas).
1.11.5 In the bottom left is the “Access Times” section that shows the Access Times this group has been
assigned in Bar Graph form.
1.11.6 The bottom middle section, “List of Access Times,” highlights the set of Access Times that have
been assigned to this group.
1.11.7 The bottom right section, “List of TRU’s,” shows the TRU’s, or doors, that this group has been
granted access.
List of
Groups that
have been
set up
List of Groups
with Access Times
Bar Graph of
Access Times
for Highlighted
Set of Access
Times attached
to Highlighted
List of TRU’s that
this Group has been
granted Access
during the Access
Times shown
Simply click on
the desired
“Access Times”
and Drag and
Drop on desired
Same Group
with different
access times
attached to be
assigned to
different TRU’s
Drag and Drop “Group” from List
to Allocation side multiple times
for the attaching of different
“Access Times.”