Associated functions:
Trigger origin, TG=0
Applicable modes:
No-shutter with internal trigger (TR=0)
Shutter-Select with internal trigger (TR=1)
The data can be stored in the camera memory for next start up.
7.19 Command MAV – Chromatic Aberration Control
This command enables or disables chromatic aberration adjustment for each channel.
= OFF, 1= ON
7.20 Command MAVCG – Chromatic Aberration Select
This command selects the lens to be used if the compensation data is stored. The data for three
lenses can be stored and used.
0= User1 Lens
1= User2 Lens
2= User3 lens
Note: Name of User I, 2 or 3 can be modified to particular lens type name.
7.21. Command NR - Noise Reduction
Noise levels less than 16 LSB (4LSB) which are superimposed on the video signal will be
eliminated. The deterioration of spatial frequency is minimized. The improvement of
signal-to-noise ratio will be 3dB as the maximum although it depends on the object.
Figure in ( ) is for 8-bit output.
0=ON, 1=OFF
7.22 Command OS1,2,3,4,5,6 – Camera Link Video Output Select
OS1 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 0)
OS2 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 1)
OS3 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 2)
OS4 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 3)
OS5 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 0, only 8-bit)
OS6 0= Rch 1= Gch 2=Bch 3= NIR ch (Default 0, only 8-bit)
7.22 Command PBC – Enable Pixel Black (FPN) Correction
This command enables (or disables) the “pixel black level” correction function, which compensates
for Dark Signal Non Uniformity / Fixed Pattern Noise (DSNU / FPN) for individual pixels.
0 = Off (Default)
1 = Factory setting
2 = user area
Associated functions:
Command PBR
Applicable modes: