Intellectual Property Notice
The products and systems described in this manual and delivered by I S Technology Solutions are
proprietary products, designs and creations of:
5410 W. Roosevelt Road, Suite #209
Chicago IL 60644, USA
All designs and original software instructions are the property of I S TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS,
and may be used as limited by this license.
As a purchaser or Lessee of the equipment, your rights are limited as described herein. While the
Buyer has acquired ownership of the hardware, I S TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS does not convey
ownership of any intellectual property. Th buyer is licensed to use the software created by I S
Technology Solutions as the operating system of the device. Any attempt to modify this software
immediately voids the license and warranty. Any attempt to commercially transfer any part of this
property to third parties will be deemed a copyright violation and subject to penalties and prosecution
according to US Federal regulations. These restrictions extend to all software written or created by I
S Technology Solutions and all engineering designs, including circuits and circuit designs along with
the physical boards in which they may be installed. Copying or attempting to copy or assisting others
in copying this software for use in any computer or system not acquired from I S TECHNOLOGY
SOLUTIONS for any purpose other than testing railway brakes within the confines of property owned
and controlled by the Buyer, will be deemed a copyright violation and therefore forbidden under by
I S Technology Solutions’ copyrights cover all written material, including but not limited to this manual,
all original software, and all engineering designs used in the manufacture and
execution of the product for railway brake testing.
The name “Brake Pro™” and “I S TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS” as used for brake testing are
copyrighted and may not be used by anyone in a manner that is contrary to the interests of I S
Technology Solutions.
Any wish to use the designs of I S Technology Solutions as a developer of other equipment and
systems will require a separate license agreement.