Let’s make voice memos.
If music is already recorded on a card, see p. 41, When music
has already been recorded, then start recording voice memos.
If no music or other voice memos have been recorded on a card, approximately 2
hours of voice memos can be recorded on a 32 Mbyte card (about half that on a 16
Mbyte card). A rough guideline is that approximately 2 Mbytes or a little less
memory space on the card is used for recording about 10 minutes of voice memos.
Before recording, make the following preparations,
or check to make sure they have been made.
• A new size AAA battery should be inserted in
the HyperHyde.
• A card should be set in the HyperHyde.
Recording a Voice Memo
P r e s s t h e [ V o l u m e – ] b u t t o n
t o e n t e r t h e v o i c e m e m o
m o d e .
Press the [Volume –] button several times
until the main lamp lights up orange.
(When the main lamp lights up orange, it will
go off when the [Volume –] button is
Lights up orange while the
[Volume –] button is being
M a k e s u r e t h e H y p e r H y d e i s
s t o p p e d .
Make sure the main lamp and Record lamp
are off.
C h e c k
R e m a r k !