Let’s make voice memos.
HyperHyde Voice Memo is a function that enables you to
record your voice easily.
For example, it can be used for the following activities as well
as in various other enjoyable ways.
• Use it to take memos of a conference and play it back to
prepare the minutes.
• If a melody suddenly pops into your head, you can record
it right on the spot and use it to make a song.
• Use it to record a message to your family that they can
hear while you are away.
• Use it to keep a voice exchange diary with your friends
who also have the HyperHyde.
A personal computer is not particularly necessary to record a
voice memo and play it back, but since voice memos are in a
format which can be handled easily by a personal computer as
voice files (WAV files), it is easy to play them on the personal
computer or attach them to electronic mail messages.
Since the HyperHyde is so compact, please look for new and
interesting ways to use it.
L e t ’s M a k e V o i c e M e m o s