The “User Program No ET” mode does not use the ET Everywhere
Service and the program remains unchanged unless you change it.
This mode always applies the same amount of water regardless of
changing weather and changing landscape requirements.
Programming Fully Automated
With this method, the design of the irrigation program is completely
automated based on parameters that you select. (The irrigation
program is automatically adjusted by the ET Everywhere Service
Broadcast.) Once you have set the parameters, the WeatherTRAK ET
plus will adjust the watering programs in response to changing
weather conditions throughout the year.
The WeatherTRAK ET plus uses a 50% soil moisture depletion model
to determine when and how much to water each plant type.
There are 14 steps to program each station on your controller using
the fully automated feature.
They are:
Set Station to Program
You program one station at a time.
Set Program Mode
Fully Automated.
Set Schedule
You assign a schedule, (A or B), from one that you have already
Use Water Window
You tell the controller whether or not you want to use the water
window defined during setup.
Set Sprinkler Type
You select the kind of sprinkler equipment you will be using.
Programming Your WeatherTRAK ET Plus
Introduction to Programming
You need to program the WeatherTRAK ET plus in order to create an
irrigation routine for each station at your site.
There are four Program Modes you can select. They are:
Fully Automated,
User Program With ET,
User Program No ET, and
All programs are based on their assigned schedule watering days you
created in the A and B schedules. (Please see “Setting Schedules” on
page 26 for more information.)
The “Fully Automated” Mode is the first (and recommended)
method of programming.
To ensure that water is applied in the proper amounts at the proper
time, the WeatherTRAK ET plus asks you to enter information about
the specific conditions for each irrigation zone at your site.
Based on your input the controller will automatically calculate the
correct irrigation program. Once activated, the controller will start
receiving the daily ET Everywhere Service Broadcast and
automatically adjust the program every day in response to current
local weather conditions.
The controller will then water on the best days according to the
schedule that you selected.
The other two methods of programming are “User Program With
and “User Program No ET.” These require you to determine
your own irrigation program of run times, the number of cycles,
minimum soak times, and what days of the week to water, hence the
name “User Programmed.”
The “User Program With ET” mode will still receive the daily ET
Everywhere Service updates and will adjust the program accordingly.
You will initially set the controller’s base schedule for the best
program for that day’s current ET and then the daily ETs will adjust
run times accordingly.
Programming Your WeatherTRAK ET Plus