D/E/F 18.303
D/E/F 18.303
Wiring diagram
Ets 1700
binder connector,
series 723
connection line
Pin connection
internal view (on the Ets 1700)
5-polebinderconnector , series 723
Pin 1 = + supply
Pin 2 = + signal
Pin 3 = reserved
Pin 4 = - signal
Pin 5 = - supply
= plug housing
for screen
internal view (on the tfP 104)
4-polebinderconnector , series 714
Pin 1 = + supply
Pin 2 = + signal
Pin 3 = - signal
Pin 4 = - supply
3.2 rElay outPuts,
analoGuE outPut,
suPPly VoltaGE
relay 4 =
switching pnt. 4
relay 3 =
switching pnt. 3
relay 2 =
switching pnt. 2
relay 1 =
switching pnt. 1
analogue output
(0 V)
analogue output
supply (0 V)
supply (+ ub)
4. Operating keys on the
membrane keypad
undo screws to remove
operating panel
4-digit digital display
keys for setting the switching points
and additional functions
1. Functions of the Ets 1700
Display of the current temperature in °C or °F or in a scale defined by the
switches the 4 relay outputs according to the temperature and the pre-set
switching points and hystereses or switch-back points.
records the maximum temperature since the unit was switched on.
Menu for basic setting (adaptation of the Ets 1700 to the particular
two different types of programming enable.
2. Mounting
the Ets 1700 is mounted via the 4 mounting holes in the rear panel of the
housing. in critical applications (e. g. strong vibrations or knocks), the
Ets 1700 must be mounted on rubber buffers (din vibration mounts). a
mounting kit is available on request (see Point 14.2 "other accessories").
When supplied the connection for the temperature sensor tfP 100 is
accessible from the bottom and the electrical connection is accessible from
the top. the front panel can be turned through 180°, so that the electrical
connection can be made from underneath and the connection for the
temperature sensor can be made from the top (see Point 10 "changing the
mounting position").
The electrical connection must be carried out by a qualified electrician
according to the relevant regulations of the country concerned (VdE 0100 in
When connecting the temperature sensor tfP 100 and the analogue output,
screened lines must always be used (e.g. liycy 4 x 0.5 mm²).
the temperature sensor housing must be earthed via the connection (next to
the terminal strip).
additional assembly notes which have been shown to reduce the effect of
electromagnetic interference:
Make line connections as short as possible.
use screened lines.
The cable screening must be fitted by qualified personnel subject to the
ambient conditions and with the aim of suppressing interference.
direct proximity to connecting lines of user units or electrical or electronic
units causing interference must be avoided as far as possible.
3. Pin connections
3.1 sEnsor connEction
a screened connection line and a 5-pole connector are supplied with the
Ets 1700. With the tfP 104 (version of the tfP 100 with 4-pole connection
binder series 714 M18), the connector (zbE03) is supplied. the tfP 106
(version of the tfP 100 with 4-pole connection M12x1) is supplied without
a connector. these must be connected in accordance with the following pin
connection and wiring diagrams.
internal view (on tfP 106)
4-pol. M 12x1
Pin 1 = + supply
Pin 2 = + signal
Pin 3 = - signal
Pin 4 = - supply
tfP 104 (binder,
series 714) or
tfP 106 (M12x1)