and could be cleaned. The instrument could be tested only after
good initial insulation test so as to avoid the poor insulation of
equipment under test causing the damage of the instrument during
the pressing process.
3. The connection mode should be based on the installation of
equipment. Corresponding connection mode should be selected in
the menu option.
4. The testing voltage level should be selected according to
different equipment and the desired voltage should be selected in
the corresponding menu option.
5. Under the special circumstances of endangering safety
during the testing, the main power supply could be switched off.
6. The connection mode could be changed or the work is done
after the power switch on the panel is switched off and the 220V
test power is disconnected. If the equipment needs to be retested,
you can press the “reset” or select repeat after the completion of
previous testing.
7. In order to ensure the measurement accuracy, it is vital to
guarantee the good insulation of low-voltage terminal (or secondary
terminal) of the equipment and it should be tested in the
environment with low relative humidity especially if the small loss of
specimen with small capacitance.