Version July 2014
HÜRNER HST 300 Monofuse 2.0 User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
The working output power of the generator decreases by
about 10% per 1,000 m of altitude. During the welding pro-
cess no other device connected to the same generator should
be operated.
Service and Repair
3.1 General
As the product is used in applications that are sensitive to safety con-
siderations, it may be serviced and repaired only by the manufacturer
or its duly authorized and trained partners. Thus, constantly high
standards of operation quality and safety are maintained.
Failure to comply with this provision will dispense the manu-
facturer from any warranty and liability claims for the product,
including any consequential damage.
When serviced, the unit is upgraded automatically to the technical
specifications of the product at the moment it is serviced, and we grant
a three-month functional warranty on the serviced unit.
We recommend having the product serviced at least every twelve
3.2 Transport, Storage, Shipment
The product ships in a transport box. The product should be stored
in this box, protects the product from humidity and environmental
When sending the product, it should be placed into the transport box
at all times.
Principles of Operation
The HST 300 Monofuse 2.0 Welding Unit allows jointing with fittings
of the Fusamatic contact system, with which the specific welding time
is determined based on the fitting itself.
The microprocessor-controlled HST 300 Monofuse 2.0 monitors the
characteristics of its power supply and the ambient conditions continu-
ously. If one of the parameters is out of tolerance, welding is aborted
or cannot be started.
Check-out and Operation
• To operate the welding unit, be sure that it is set on a proper,
level surface.
• Be sure that power supply/generator protection is 16 A (slow
• Plug the power supply cord into the mains power supply or the
• Read and comply with the User’s Manual of the generator, if ap