V 03/2018
Operati ng Instructi on Manual
Driving with the towing vehicle and
Driving with the towing vehicle and trailer
Carry out a departure check.
Check the points / components systemati cally.
- see secti on 6 “Commissioning“
Pay att enti on to the general safety instructi ons.
Before setti ng off , make sure that the generally permitt ed
combined dimensions of the trailer and load are no more
than 4 m high and 2.55 m wide (according to Sec-
ti on 22, paragraph 2 of StVO (German Road Traffi c Act)).
Before setti ng off and during breaks on the journey, make
sure that the load is adequately secured.
Before setti ng off , check that opti onal accessories such
as side wall extension / tarpaulin / H-frame / supports,
etc. are closed / secured.
Driving instructi ons
The driving stability of the vehicle and trailer deteriorates
as the driving speed increases - especially around bends.
Adapt your speed to the road and weather conditi ons.
Drive carefully on inclines when the trailer is loaded -
drive more slowly, apply brakes.
Do not exceed the maximum speed permitt ed outside of
built-up areas (highways, motorways, main roads, dual
- In Germany this means max. 80 km/h or 100 km/h
respecti vely.
Side wind that occurs suddenly, e.g. on bridges, when
overtaking, when changing terrain, can cause the car and
trailer to start snaking.
Slowly reduce the speed.
Avoid hecti c / jolti ng steering manoeuvres.
Braking style
The braking style for a car and trailer is diff erent than that
of a car without a trailer.
The braking distance increases as the load increases.
The ABS system on your car does not control the overrun
device of a braked trailer.
If you do not have any experience in driving a car with a
trailer - then carry out brake tests on a suitable site fi rst.
Start braking early on.
Do a test brake before every journey.
For trailers with an overrun brake, initi ally brake gently,
then brake harder - this will prevent the wheels from
The turning circle of long trailers is larger and the follow-
up curve is smaller.
Pay att enti on to the required turning circle when manoeu
vring a vehicle with a trailer att ached.
Do not steer too sharply - to avoid a collision between the
trailer and the car.
When reversing, the view to the rear is blocked by the
load or the trailer body.
Be especially careful when reversing.
Please note that it may be necessary to turn the steering
wheel the opposite way.
Practi ce reversing in a suitable area.
If necessary, allow someone to guide you.
Keep people away from the back of the trailer.
Make sure that you can always see the person
in your wing mirror.
9.1 Driving at 100 km/h
H - 97
Wheel shock absorbers fi tt ed
Wheel shock absorbers (set)
Bracket on the chassis
Axle bracket
In Germany, your trailer can be licensed for a top speed of max.
100 km/h. In other countries, the top speed for cars with trailers
outside built-up areas may vary.
Comply with the nati onal road traffi c regulati ons.
Functi onal explanati on
Wheel shock absorbers absorb the bumps when driving
your trailer. This increases the driving comfort and
improves the road handling of your trailer.
Wheel shock absorbers are required to license a trailer to
travel at speeds of 100 km/h.
Wheel shock absorbers you have installed yourself
(for 100 km/h) need to be tested and approved by a type
approval authority such as TÜV.
Wheel shock absorbers may only be retrofi tt ed at the
att achment points provided!
Installati on may only be carried out with original spare
parts and by specialist personnel.
Always drive at an appropriate speed.
Do not drive faster than 100 km/h.