V 03/2018
Operati ng Instructi on Manual
Cranking up / raising
Jockey wheel parked (driving positi on)
Rotati on lock (groove)
Jockey wheel
Crank the jockey wheel (3) all the way up unti l the hub of
the rotati on lock (2) engages in the groove on the cylinder.
Unscrew the T-handle (1) and pull the cylinder up.
Positi on the jockey wheel so that the brake linkage is not
blocked (on jockey wheel mounted in the middle).
Turn the T-handle unti l it is ti ght.
Check that the clamp is ti ghtly clamping the cylinder.
6.7 Tyres/wheels
Functi onal explanati on
Wheels / tyres are important safety components on the
The tyres are subject to permanent wear while driving as
well as to an ageing process and need to be checked
The wheel size must match your type of trailer.
It may not be arbitrarily changed.
The licensed wheel / tyre sizes are entered in the EC
certi fi cate of conformity / COC papers for your trailer.
No legal requirements for winter tyres, if using trailer
frequently in the winter, we recommend getti ng winter
Rims, 5-bolt (aluminium or steel)
Worn tyre profi le / incorrect tyre pressure!
The tyres could burst while driving – accident risk!
The braking distance increases - risk of snaking!
Regularly check the tyres.
Check the tyre pressure, profi le depth and conditi on of
the tyres - see maintenance table.
Loose wheel nuts!
The trailer may start to snake, ti p over be uncoupled from the
towing vehicle.
Aft er every tyre change and aft er the fi rst 50 km, re-ti ght
en the wheel nuts.
Check that the wheel nuts are seated securely at regular
intervals (see maintenance table).
Check tyre conditi on
Even on trailers which are not used very oft en, the tyres
are subject to the infl uence of the weather, such as
sunshine, cold, etc. which will cause the tyres to age
Check tyre conditi on
Regularly carry out a thorough visual inspecti on of the
Look out for possible cracks and foreign bodies.
Replace the tyres aft er about 6 years of use.
- Rubber becomes porous and britt le over ti me.
Check the pressure of the tyres when cold before setti ng
off and at the latest 14 days later - see maintenance table.
The maximum tyre pressure applies for both an empty
and a fully laden trailer.
Check the profi le depth of the tyres around the middle of
the tread.
In Germany, a minimum of 1.6 mm is required.
Tyre sizes and pressures:
Tyre size
in bar
145 / 80 R13 (unbraked)
185 / 65 R14 (braked)
Check the tyre pressure on all wheels on a regular basis
and before long journeys.
Tighten all wheel nuts (crosswise) using a torque spanner:
Rim material
Max. torque in Nm
100 - 110
Check that all wheel nuts are seated securely at regular
intervals (see maintenance table).