pause: ENTER with X
Rewind: BACKSPACE with Dots 1 3
Fast forward: BACKSPACE with Dots 4 6
Activate the selected item: ENTER or cursor routing button above the word on the display
Move to the previous item: BACKSPACE, Previous or SPACE with DOT 1
Move to the next item: SPACE, Next, or SPACE with DOT 4
Braille panning left and right: Left or Right thumb key
Move to first element on visual screen: ENTER with DOTS 1 3
Move to last element on visual screen: ENTER with DOTS 4 6
Scroll up in a list: ENTER with DOTS 1 2 6
Scroll down in a list: ENTER with DOTS 3 4 5
Toggle navigation levels: SPACE with T repeatedly
Move back using selected navigation element: SPACE with DOTS 1 3
Move forward using selected navigation element: SPACE with DOTS 4 6
Long press: BACKSPACE with L
Time: ENTER with T
Date: ENTER with D
Battery power: ENTER with P
Previous character: SPACE with DOT 3
Current character: SPACE with DOTS 3 6