New appointment: SPACE with N
Edit appointment: BACKSPACE with E
Delete appointment: BACKSPACE with DOTS 2 3 5 6
Go to date: ENTER with G
Today: SPACE with T
Where am I: SPACE with DOTS 1 5 6
Next day: SPACE with DOT 6
Previous day: SPACE with DOT 3
Next week: SPACE with DOT 5
Previous week: SPACE with DOT 2
Next month: SPACE with DOT 4
Previous month: SPACE with DOT 1
Next year: SPACE with DOTS 5 6
Previous year: SPACE with DOTS 2 3
Refresh appointments: ENTER with R
KeyCalc US
Plus: DOTS 3 4 6
Minus: DOTS 3-6
Multiplication: DOTS 1-6
Divided by: DOTS 3-4
Equals: ENTER
Clear: SPACE with DOTS 3-5-6
Decimal point: DOTS 4-6