HUAWEI ME909u-523 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
Local Upgrade Application Scenarios
Issue 04 (2014-12-08)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Launch the Local Upgrade
Figure 12-2
Launch the upgrade flow
Host Application
ACK characters
'>'a nd 'C'
Module Reset
The local upgrade can be used on PCUI port. After the host application sends the
" command, the module will be reset to start the upgrade flow. And
then the ACK characters '>' and 'C' will be returned to inform that the host application
can receive firmware data. The character '>' is only reported once, and the duration
between two 'C' characters will be about 10 seconds. And there are maximum ten 'C'
characters will be reported before the module finally return failed upgrade state.
Transfer the Upgrade File
Figure 12-3
Transfer the upgrade file
Module Reset
File transfer is
completed, and
firmware starts to
Use the 1K-Xmodem
protocol to transfer the
upgrade file
Host Application
After the upgrade file is transferred to the module, the module will start to upgrade
the firmware directly. Finally, the module will be automatically reset to finish the
upgrade flow. The host application should re-open the module's port and wait for the
upgrade state AT command "