HUAWEI ME909u-523 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
Sleeping and Waking Up Application Scenarios
Issue 04 (2014-12-08)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Query the parameter range of
^CURC: (0-1)
A solution is provided for systems not supporting USB remote resume.
With software configuration, while the system requirements (calling and text
messages) are met, the number of times the host is woken up by unsolicited
messages, and consequently the power consumption, are reduced.
8.6 System with Other Connection Methods
If the host can be connected to the module only using UART, you can refer to the
HUAWEI ME909u-523 LTE LGA Module Hardware Guide
HUAWEI ME909u-523
LTE Mini PCIe Module Hardware Guide
If the host can connect to the module using
USB/UART/WAKEUP_OUT and can support USB remote wake-up and UART remote
wake-up, prioritize USB remote wake-up over WAKEUP_OUT remote wake-up. For
details about the software procedure, refer to the earlier sections while considering
the host system feature.