1. Telephone wall jack 2. Splitter
3. Telephone
4. Desktop computer
5. Power adapter
6. Laptop computer
7. HG630
a. Splitter LINE port
b. Splitter PHONE port c. Splitter MODEM port
1.2 Connecting Cables Using the USB Port
Connecting Cables
The following figure shows an example of how to connect the cables. In this
example, the HG630 is connected to a desktop computer, a laptop computer,
and a USB modem.
1. Laptop computer
2. Desktop computer 3. USB modem
4. Power adapter
5. HG630
HG630 supports USB modem of E220, E169, E176G, E180,
E1690, E1820, E1780 and E660.
When you do not need to go online, remove the USB modem.
Otherwise, your operator may continue to charge you for USB
modem services.