Figure 5-31
VoIP Interface Configuration - H.248 protocol
to apply the configuration.
describes parameters used for configuring a VoIP interface based on the H.248
Table 5-15
Parameters used for configuring a VoIP interface based on the H.248 protocol
Primary Server
MGC Address
Indicates the IP address (provided by the ISP) of the primary
MGC server.
MGC Port
Indicates the ID (provided by the ISP) of the port used for
communication between the primary MGC server and the
VoIP terminal. The ID ranges from 1 to 65535 and the default
ID is 2944.
Secondary Server
MGC Address
Indicates the IP address (provided by the ISP) of the
secondary MGC server.
MGC Port
Indicates the ID (provided by the ISP) of the port used for
communication between the secondary MGC server and the
VoIP terminal. The ID ranges from 1 to 65535 and the default
ID is 2944.
EchoLife HG8240/HG8245/HG8247 GPON Terminal
Service Manual
5 Web Page Reference
Issue 04 (2011-01-12)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.