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„Next step if OK“
Which action should follow if this step is complete and evaluated as OK
can be selected in the drop down menu. e.g. jump to the next step or quit.
„Next step if NOK“
Which action should follow if this step is complete and evaluated as NOK
can be selected in the drop down menu. e.g. jump to the next step or quit.
„Stop before next
If the check-box is selected the tool stops when reaching the step re
quirement (this is configured under setting procedure).
In the „gear” tab the settings for speed and pulling direction can be made.
Sets the direction of the stroke. The default is „pulling direction“. The
setting „start position“ is only required in special applications. In case
of questions please contact our support at: [email protected]
„start-up ramp“
This time defines which ramp the motor will drive to set rotation speed;
recommended value 0.1 - 0.2 seconds.