FORM HC0011-9-2
Make sure that the male connector does not rise excessively above the surface of the panel
when you take your hand off the male connector. If it floats up excessively, something may
have gone wrong. In that case, pull the male connector out of the panel and start the
process all over again.
Approximate amount of lift: 2mm or less or no panel seal is visible through the gap.
Do not reattach the male connector to the panel more than once and only do so
consecutively to the same panel.
Before reattaching the harness, check the appearance of the panel seal and if it is damaged
or deformed, use a new harness.
Also, reattaching the male connector more than once or reattaching it to a different panel
may cause excessive load on the panel seal, so please use a new harness in such cases.
Panel seal
Feb.1.2022 Copyright 2022 HIROSE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.