Photo 48
Now use the 5/32” T-wrench and ratchet wrench to remove the 1/4”-20x3/4”
screws holding each horizontal crossmember assembly to the final two vertical
leg assemblies. Support each horizontal crossmember assembly as you remove its
screws so it does not tip over. As you detach each horizontal crossmember
assembly carefully lift it away from the vertical leg assemblies and set it aside on
a clean, soft, surface where it will be out of the way until you begin reassembling
the stand.
Whether you are extending or reducing the height of your frame system, you will
need to at least partially disassemble each vertical leg subassembly. Either way,
determine where on the assembly the section(s) will need to be added or removed.
You will only need to disassemble the leg sections adjacent to where a section is
being added or removed. Begin disassembling the first vertical leg subassembly
by using the provided 1/8” T-wrench to remove the #10-24x3/4” screws from the
modular bolt plate section at one of those locations (see Photo 49).
Photo 49
Once all the #10-24x3/4” fasteners have been removed from one section of the
modular bolt plate, remove that section of the bolt plate and set it aside on your
prepared work area. If you have difficulty lifting the bolt plate section out of the
vertical leg subassembly, thread 1/4”-20x3/4” screws into the bolt plate threads
and use them as handles to lift the bolt plate out (see Photo 50).