Processing of IPv6 multicast protocol messages
With Layer 3 multicast routing enabled, an MLD snooping–enabled switch processes IPv6 multicast
protocol messages differently under different conditions, as follows:
If only MLD is enabled on the switch, or if both MLD and IPv6 PIM are enabled on the switch,
the switch does the following:
Maintains dynamic member ports or dynamic router ports according to MLD packets
Maintains dynamic router ports according to IPv6 PIM hello packets
If only IPv6 PIM is enabled on the switch, the following occurs:
The switch broadcasts MLD messages as unknown messages in the VLAN.
After receiving an IPv6 PIM hello message, the switch maintains the corresponding
dynamic router port.
If MLD is disabled on the switch, one of the following occurs:
If IPv6 PIM is disabled, the switch deletes all its dynamic member ports and dynamic router
If IPv6 PIM is enabled, the switch deletes only its dynamic member ports but not its dynamic
router ports.
On a switch with Layer 3 IPv6 multicast routing enabled, use the
display mld group port-info
command to display Layer 2 port information.
If IPv6 PIM is disabled on the switch, one of the following occurs:
If MLD is disabled, the switch deletes all its dynamic router ports.
If MLD is enabled, the switch maintains all its dynamic member ports and dynamic router