host bus adapter for Windows and Linux installation guide
Installing the SCSI Miniport Driver
2. Enter the following command to bring up the interface:
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lpfnX.
3. On SuSE, run the ifconfig command (all on one line) to configure the interface:
insmod lpfndd
ifconfig lpfn X inet netmask
Where X is the interface number, 0 through 7. This file should be created if you
wish to configure IP. An example of this file:
4. Enter the following command to manually bring up the IP interface:
ifup lpfnX
Where X is the interface number, 0 through 7.
5. Enter the following commands if the system does not have a SCSI driver loaded:
# insmod scsi_mod
# insmod sd_mod
Rebooting the system will unload the driver. You should include the above
commands in a start up script to automatically load the driver.
Loading the Driver Through the RAM Disk Image
1. To add SCSI and IP modules, edit /etc/conf.modules or modules.conf, depending
on the Linux release.
Add the following line to add a SCSI module:
alias scsi_hostadapter lpfcdd
Add the following line to add an IP module:
alias lpfnX lpfndd
where X is the interface number, 0 through 7.
NOTE: If you want to configure SCSI only, just add the scsi_hostadapter line. The IP module is
dependent on the SCSI modules being there, so you cannot configure just IP.