# Enable RIPng.
[SwitchB] ripng
# Display RIPng routing table information.
[SwitchB-ripng-1] display ripng 1 route
Route Flags: A - Aging, S - Suppressed, G - Garbage-collect
Peer FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1 on Vlan-interface 100
Dest 10::/32,
via FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1, cost 1, tag 0, A, 18 Sec
Dest 20::/32,
via FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1, cost 1, tag 0, A, 8 Sec
Dest 40::/32,
via FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1, cost 1, tag 0, A, 3 Sec
Applying a routing policy to filter received BGP routes
Network requirements
As shown in
, all the switches run BGP. Switch C establishes EBGP connections with other
Configure a routing policy on Switch D to reject routes from AS 200.
Figure 122
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Configure IP addresses for the interfaces. (Details not shown.)
Configure BGP:
# Configure Switch A.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] bgp 100
[SwitchA-bgp] router-id
[SwitchA-bgp] peer as-number 300