Table 27 External health LED states
LED Color
Flash Rate
Health good on all CRUs and system power is off.
System power is on serviceable components (usually
accessible from front or back, such as fans and power
supplies) are okay.
Flash 1 Hz
An accessible CRU failed (system is on or in standby
mode). Usually, this is a power supply or fan failure. Check
front/back LEDs for failed component.
Amber supersedes green. This LED is cleared when all failed externally accessible entities are
repaired and report that they are good, or on any ac or standby power cycle.
The iLO 3 MP displays the following strings in its Virtual Front Panel for the three states of this LED:
Table 28 VFP health description
External parts, including fans and power supplies, okay
On green
A redundant, externally accessible CRU failed (check front/back LEDs)
Flashing amber
System Event Log LED
The server has this LED for the following reasons:
To carry forward the ATTENTION functionality of legacy Integrity and HP9000 front panel
To give the customer an indication of whether the system is up or down (the health LED does
not tell the user if the system is booted.)
To cover the wide range of faults for which software/firmware is not 100% sure that a CRU
must be re-seated/replaced. (external and internal health LEDs do not light unless
software/firmware can make a solid determination that a CRU must be re-seated/replaced.)
This LED indicates the overall health state of the system, including the state of system firmware and
the OS. If the LED is red, the system needs attention, and the event logs should be examined for
details of the problem.
Table 29 Health LED states
LED Color
Flash Rate
System is off, or system is booting firmware with no failures, since SEL logs
last examined.
System has left the firmware boot, and an OS is booting or running with no
failures, since SEL logs last examined.
Flash 2 Hz
A fatal fault has been detected and logged.
The iLO 3 MP displays the following strings in its Virtual Front Panel for the four states of this LED:
Table 30 VFP health description
OS booting or running
On green
Fatal fault -- system crashed or cannot boot: check logs for details
Flashing red