: Specifies a card on an IRF member device. The
argument represents the member ID of the IRF member device. The
argument represents the slot number of the card. If you do not specify a card, this command displays
protected IPv6 addresses for all cards. (Distributed devices in IRF mode.)
: Displays the number of matching protected IPv6 addresses.
# (Centralized devices in standalone mode.) Display the protected IPv6 addresses for TCP client
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ipv6
IPv6 address VPN instance Port Type Requested Trusted
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 -- 100 Manual 14478 5501
1023::1123 vpn1 65535 Dynamic 4294967295 15151
# (Distributed devices in standalone mode/centralized devices in IRF mode.) Display the protected
IPv6 addresses for TCP client verification.
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ipv6
Slot 1:
IPv6 address VPN instance Port Type Requested Trusted
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 -- 100 Manual 14478 5501
1023::1123 vpn1 65535 Dynamic 4294967295 15151
Slot 2:
IPv6 address VPN instance Port Type Requested Trusted
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 -- 100 Manual 4568 8798
1023::1123 vpn1 65535 Dynamic 15969 4679
# (Distributed devices in IRF mode.) Display the protected IPv6 addresses for TCP client verification.
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ipv6
Slot 1 in chassis 1:
IPv6 address VPN instance Port Type Requested Trusted
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 -- 100 Manual 14478 5501
1023::1123 vpn1 65535 Dynamic 4294967295 15151
Slot 2 in chassis 2:
IPv6 address VPN instance Port Type Requested Trusted
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 -- 100 Manual 4568 8798
1023::1123 vpn1 65535 Dynamic 15969 4679
# (Centralized devices in standalone mode.) Display the number of protected IPv6 addresses for
TCP client verification.
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ipv6 count
Totally 3 protected IPv6 addresses.
# (Distributed devices in standalone mode/centralized devices in IRF mode.) Display the number of
protected IPv6 addresses for TCP client verification.
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ip count
Slot 1:
Totally 3 protected IPv6 addresses.
Slot 2:
Totally 3 protected IPv6 addresses.
# (Distributed devices in IRF mode.) Display the number of protected IPv6 addresses for TCP client
<Sysname> display client-verify tcp protected ip count
Slot 1 in chassis 1: