3DES_EDE_CBC, AES_CBC, and RC4. When using a symmetric key algorithm, the SSL
server and the SSL client must use the same key.
Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms
—Calculate the MAC value for data to
ensure integrity. Commonly used MAC algorithms include MD5 and SHA. When using a MAC
algorithm, the SSL server and the SSL client must use the same key.
Key exchange algorithms
—Implement secure exchange of the keys used by the symmetric
key algorithm and the MAC algorithm. Commonly used key exchange algorithms are
asymmetric key algorithms, such as RSA.
The SSL client sends the preferred cipher suite to the SSL server. The server compares the received
cipher suite with the cipher suits it supports. If a match is found, the cipher suite negotiation
succeeds. If no match is found, the negotiation fails.
If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
# Configure SSL client policy
to support key exchange algorithm RSA, data encryption
algorithm 128-bit AES_CBC, and MAC algorithm SHA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ssl client-policy policy1
[Sysname-ssl-client-policy-policy1] prefer-cipher rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha
Related commands
display ssl client-policy
server-verify enable
server-verify enable
to enable the SSL client to use digital certificates to authenticate SSL
undo server-verify enable
to disable SSL server authentication. The SSL client does not
authenticate any SSL servers.
server-verify enable
undo server-verify enable
The SSL client uses digital certificates to authenticate SSL servers.
SSL client policy view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
SSL uses digital certificates to authenticate communicating parties. For more information about
digital certificates, see
Security Configuration Guide
If you execute the
server-verify enable
command, an SSL server must send its digital certificate to
the SSL client for authentication. The client can access the SSL server only after the server passes
the authentication.
# Enable the SSL client to use digital certificates to authenticate SSL servers.