The procedure in this section is used to test the module’s electrical
performance using the specifications in Appendix A — Specifications of the
HP E1330A/B Modules User’s Manual as the performance standard.
The Performance Verification test is a test of each Digital I/O line on each
port and a test of the three main handshake lines for each port. This test is
sufficient to determine that the module is operating within specifications.
This test is suitable for incoming inspection, troubleshooting, and
preventive maintenance.
Test Cable
A test cable is required to run the Performance Verification test. This test
cable is available from Hewlett-Packard (Part Number E1330-61603).
Test 2-1: Digital
This test verifies that all ports meet the specification for the module.
Data Line Test
Setup and Install the Digital I/O module
Remove power from the mainframe. Remove HP E1330A/B
from the mainframe (as required).
Record the locations of the Pull-up Enable and any FLG
Combine jumpers on the HP E1330A/B.
Set Port 0 and Port 1 Pull-up Enable jumpers to the Enable
position as shown in Figure 2-1.
Set Port 2 and Port 3 Pull-up Enable jumpers to the Disable
position as shown in Figure 2-1.
Remove any FLG Combine jumpers installed.
Install the HP E1330A/B in the mainframe.
Install the Test Cable as shown in Figure 2-2.
Turn the mainframe power ON.
Check Port 0 Write and Port 2 Read
Send *RST to the module.
Send SOUR:DIG:DATA0 #B00000001 to the module.
Send MEAS:DIG:DATA2? to the module.
Enter the response and compare to the binary data sent.
Repeat this step using the following binary data strings:
"00000010", 00000100", "00001000",
"00010000","00100000","01000000",and "10000000". Use the
command SOUR:DIG:DATA0 #Bssssssss where ssssssss = the
binary data string.
Enter a Pass or Fail in Table 2-1.
Chapter 2
Verification Tests 19