: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see
Fundamentals Configuration Guide
: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
display stp bpdu-statistics
to display the BPDU statistics on ports.
In MSTP mode, follow these guidelines:
If you do not specify any MSTI or port, this command displays the BPDU statistics of all MSTIs
on all ports. The displayed information is sorted by port name and by MSTI ID on each port.
If you specify a port but not an MSTI, this command displays the BPDU statistics of all MSTIs on
the port. The displayed information is sorted by MSTI ID.
If you specify both an MSTI ID and a port, this command displays the BPDU statistics of the
specified MSTI on the port.
In STP, RSTP, or PVST mode, follow these guidelines:
If you do not specify any port, this command displays the BPDU statistics of on all ports. The
displayed information is sorted by port name.
If you specify a port, this command displays the BPDU statistics on the port.
# In MSTP mode, display the BPDU statistics of all MSTIs on Ethernet 1/0/1.
<Sysname> display stp bpdu-statistics interface ethernet 1/0/1
Port: Ethernet1/0/1
Type Count Last Updated
--------------------------- ---------- -----------------
Invalid BPDUs 0
Looped-back BPDUs 0
MAX-aged BPDUs 0
TCN sent 0
TCN received 0
TCA sent 0
TCA received 2 10:33:12 01/13/2010
Config sent 0
Config received 0
RST sent 0
RST received 0
MST sent 4 10:33:11 01/13/2010
MST received 151 10:37:43 01/13/2010
Instance 0:
Type Count Last Updated
--------------------------- ---------- -----------------