July 6, 2022
Page 159 | 199
17.10 Removable Media (RM) Features
Program Features
This feature allows the controller to periodically log register values to
Removable Media. The register data is stored in .
(comma separated value) format, which is
compatible with 3
party PC applications, such as Microsoft Excel.
b. Report Editor
This feature allows the OCS to be configured to generate text printouts which
incorporate data from the registers embedded in the text. The reports can be printed using a serial
interface printer through any of the serial ports of the OCS or can be saved on the removable media of
the device.
Recipes Editor
Recipes allow the user to send or update multiple registers simultaneously.
17.11 Removable Media (RM) Features
Graphic/Screen Editor
a. Trends
The historic support feature in the trend object utilizes Removable Media.
b. Removable Media
This is a graphic object used to access files and functions pertaining to
Removable Media.
c. Recipes
This is a graphic object that is used in conjunction with the recipe editor which is mentioned
17.12 Removable Media (RM) Features
Additional Configuration
a. Alarms
Alarm data can be logged to a .csv file stored on Removable Media.
Screen Capture
The screen capture function allows a bitmap or jpeg image of the displayed OCS
screen to be written to the Removable Media card.
Filename Counters
The filename counters can be accessed wherever Removable Media functions
require a path name. A typical application is the auto-incrementing of a file name when doing screen
d. File Select
File Select is used to specify the register block that is used with the Removable Media
Manager object ‘Write Selected Filename’ option.