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Tel: 317 916-4274
Fax:: 317 639-4279
Hazardous Location Series
• To avoid personal injury, disconnect power to the light and allow the unit to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Perform visual, electrical and mechanical inspec�ons on a regular basis. The environment and
frequency of use should determine this. However, it is recommended that checks should be made at
least once a year.
• The external lens should be cleaned periodically to ensure con�nued luminaire performance. Clean the
glass with a clean damp, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth. If this is not sufficient, use a mild soap or a liquid
cleaner. DO NOT use an abrasive, strong alkaline or acid cleaner as damage may occur.
• Inspect the cooling fins on the luminaire to ensure that they are free of any contamina�on
(i.e. excessive dust build-up). Clean with a non-abrasive cloth if needed.
• Mechanically check to make sure all parts are properly assembled.
• Electrically check to make sure that all connec�ons are clean and �ght.
NPT Assembly Instruc�ons
Step 1. Inspect port and fi�ng to ensure that both are free of
contaminants and excessive burrs and nicks.
Step 2. Apply a stripe of an anaerobic liquid pipe sealant
around the male threads leaving the first two threads
uncovered. If no liquid sealant is available, wrap Teflon
tape (width of 12.7mm and thickness of 0.1mm) 2.5- 3
turns in a clockwise direc�on, viewed from the pipe
end, leaving the rest two threads uncovered.
CAUTION: Teflon tape and some pipe sealants are destructive
to hydraulic components. Always use extreme caution and
follow manufacturer’s recommendations for proper application
of any sealant in order to prevent contamination.
Step 3. Screw finger �ght into the port
Step 4. Wrench �ghten the fi�ng to the correct Turns Past
Finger Tight posi�on. A properly assembled
fi�ngs total thread engagement should be 3.5 to 6 turns.
CAUTION: Never back off an installed pipe fitting to achiev
proper alignment. Loosening installed pipe fittings will corrupt
the seal and contribute to leakage and failure.
(*Applicable standard: ASME B1.20.1-2013)
Step 1 & Step 2
Step 3
Step 4