3.1 Power Up
At power-up, the HE300DNT100 Option card examines the keypad “option” function codes
(P0x) associated with the DeviceNet
configuration. This is a basic check only to determine if the
parameters are within range for valid network operation. The following checks are made:
Station Id < 64
Baud Rate < 3
1’s position: I/O Assembly length selection < 3
10’s position: Loss-of-Network selection < 3
Option parameters within acceptable range (if enabled)
Should any of these tests fail, the Option card will immediately Er5 with the appropriate error
response placed in P00 (if enabled). Furthermore, the drive cannot be started regardless of the state of
the manual override until these parameters are corrected. If there are DeviceNet
parameters that are
out of bounds, the user should re-configure using the configuration sequence described below.
Once the option function parameters are verified, the Option card will initialize the DeviceNet
port with the associated “option” function codes, and then it will examine the state of the manual override
contacts. If the contacts are open, the option card will toggle to manual mode and the Inverter will
assume the state as defined by the keypad and the local terminal contacts, regardless of any network
If the contacts are closed, the option card will toggle to automatic mode and will hold the
Inverter at ‘STOP’ for a short delay until the network becomes active. Once active, the network provides
the parameters that control the drive. Should the network not become active within the delay period, a
predefined action specified by the Loss-of-Network parameter will take effect (fault drive, nothing or
switch to terminal control).
Function Codes (Inverter and DeviceNet
Configuration Parameters)
Before a drive can be started, the Inverter’s function codes must be initialized. These function
codes define the Inverter’s operation and are defined in the Inverter’s Instruction Manual. Inverter
function codes are stored in EEPROM and may be configured either with the keypad or over DeviceNet
with a configuration tool such as DeviceNet
Manager. If configured over DeviceNet
, the function code
being modified must be Application Object Attribute number. If using DeviceNet Manager, the supplied
EDS file will perform this translation automatically. If using an alternate method, a translation will be
required using the configuration information contained in Appendix A. Before using either configuration
method, the DeviceNet
“option” function codes must be first configured by keypad to enable the
When an option card such as the HE300DNT100 is installed in the Inverter, an extra set of
function codes not defined in the Inverter’s instruction manual will appear at the end of the function code
list when examined with the keypad. These codes are referred to as “option” function codes and will be
prefixed with a “P”. These option function codes are used to store and display configuration parameters,
which are dedicated to the installed option card. The HE300DNT100 uses only the first 8 of the option
parameters. These parameters are also stored in the Inverter’s EEPROM and will be “remembered” even
if the option card is changed out.
The first option function code (P00) is used as a DeviceNet
error indicator when an Er5
occurs. The user can then use the keypad to examine that code to determine the nature of the error.
WARNING: Since EEPROMs have a limited write life (in the order of
100,000 writes), continuous writing to the P00 Option function code can
cause premature failure of the configuration memory.